The Chosen - Have You Seen It Yet?

The Chosen - Have you seen it yet?

The Chosen is a series of around 8 episodes following the three years of the Messiah’s coming and ministry, beginning from when John the Baptist is preparing the way for Jesus’ coming;

Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him. Mark 1:3

I’m up to episode 4 and this episode was awesome!

With great artistic licence, Dallas Jenkins, the American co-writer and director, has emotively captured the indispensable beauty of each human being that Jesus has called, loving both their strengths and more commonly and importantly, their weaknesses. 

What I love about The Chosen, is how it’s helped me see the humanity of Jesus and the disciples like never before. 

Each disciple has their own very unique character. 

The Chosen Disciples.png

Without spoiling this for you, let me share a snippet of episode 4 and the calling of Peter, preceded by the great catch of fish. 

Peter is in a real state. He’s been fishing all night because he’s got himself in a huge hole, indebted to the Roman centurions and the tax collector. Fishing has been poor over the past few months and he’s not been able to keep up with his debts. After a highly emotional argument with his wife, he heads out onto the Sea of Galilee for one last evening, one last chance to get his affairs in order before it’s too late. 

Morning comes and he’s caught nothing…

As he comes in to the shore ready to be arrested, the only person waiting for him is Jesus. 

Jesus looks at him with love. Jesus is not panicked like Peter is, for He is in control. We know what happened next.

The Chosen - Peter Fishing.png

This is what I saw in that moment, that beautifully directed scene. 


Holy Spirit flooded my heart and I wept as I saw how Jesus has been there in my life when I needed a ‘big catch’ and how He delights at being generous to His children. God is sovereign, He is in control and it pleases Him to shower us with His gifts - if only we would let Him!

Here’s the link to the series. My advice would be to simply watch with an open heart and try not to critique everything that doesn’t fit into the pictures you’ve already created in your mind. After all, we’re all created uniquely and have a personal relationship with the Father.