A quick update on all things Pilgrimage

Hello Everyone!

It’s been great to receive your telephone calls over the past week or so. I’ve been encouraged to hear so many of you chomping at the bit to make your pilgrimage to Medjugorje and I hope and pray we’ll be able to take you there very soon.

I just wanted to share a brief update with you, as I know all things ‘Aglow’ have been rather quiet over the past year.

Quick Update

Firstly, I would like to say we will be leading groups to Medjugorje again at the earliest  opportunity. We are here, we’re ready to go and we are looking forward to the next pilgrimage, even if that means quarantine on return - so long as it’s safe and legal to do so. 

This could be as early as the 40th anniversary this June and we will be prepared to take last minute bookings for all those hoping to be there for this special occasion. If this is not possible, we have dates scheduled in September and October, as well as for the Youth Festival in August and if we have to wait until 2022 (though I hope and think not), well that’s just what we’ll do.

It’s been a difficult time for so many of us. Over the past 15 months or so I’ve come to realise the significant impact that pilgrimage (in particular Medjugorje) has had on my life. All the many weeks spent on pilgrimage over the past 15 years have been filled with grace, sanctuary and rest for my soul and Medjugorje will continue to be this place for us over the decades to come.

Let’s not forget who’s in control!

God knew EVERYTHING that was coming and He knows EVERYTHING still to come. God is in control. We believe in Him and in the Good News that he brought to the world and we know great things are still to come.

Looking forward to things to come

Our Lady is with us during these days to prepare us for all that’s still to come. We know through the third secret that there is going to be a ‘lasting sign’ that’s going to be permanent, beautiful and indestructible! Vicka told us in an interview that she, knows EXACTLY what the sign will be and she knows the time it will appear and that It is given above all for those people who are still far away from God. 

We are likely to see in our lifetimes a great movement of the Holy Spirit like one in the days in the Acts of the Apostles - “Those who accepted his message were baptised, and about three thousand were added to their number that day.” Unbelievers will come to Jesus and there will be great rejoicing in heaven.

It’s easy to forget and get caught up in the worries and dramas of the world, I’ve been doing it myself over the past 18 months, Covid has been a massive distraction from Jesus. As believers, we should be looking forward to the days ahead, confident in the knowledge that God has called us, especially in these times through Mary, to be apostles of love. God needs you now, to be a humble servant and help Him bring about His purpose as a messenger of love.

It starts today with conversion

It’s important to find sanctuary wherever we are in our lives. We have learnt it’s not always possible to go to our 'special places’ to find the spiritual things we need, peace, rest and time with the Lord that our souls crave. Instead we have to find our ‘secret place’ (see Matthew 6:6) where we can be with God in the ‘here and now’ also.

But that doesn’t take away from the fact that we should take ourselves out of this world from time to time. We see this when Jesus prepared for his ministry fasting for 40 days and nights in the desert and how John the Baptist similarly lived a life of solitude and simplicity in the wilderness. 

It’s the same for us. If we want to be like Christ we have to do as He did and pilgrimage is one channel of opportunity to have dedicated time with the Father away from the distractions of this world. Entering that wilderness to encounter our Creator and Father is a big must, particularly in the world we live today.

Love Casts Out All Fear - God’s Plan Will Be Fulfilled in all its Glory

God’s Great Plan in Medjugorje

I’m totally pumped and excited for 2021!

We still don’t know when we’ll be able to travel again, visit the places we love, or even give our family members a hug. But one thing we do know is this - God is working in all of this - and He’s already won. 

During these tough past 10 months or so, Our Lady hasn’t ceased visiting us, there hasn’t been a lockdown or social distancing in heaven - she hasn’t come wearing a face mask either!

She continues to bring her message of peace, her message of love and her message of hope. On Christmas Day Our Lady of Medjugorje said this…

“Little Children, do not permit for your faith and hope in a better future to be extinguished, because you are chosen to be witnesses of hope in every situation.”

I’m excited for the coming years ahead because I know (through scriptures and revelations in Medjugorje) there is purpose to them. We have faith in Jesus and hope in His plan for our lives. Light and darkness are being separated and there will be a gulf between the two visible for all to see.  I believe we are on the horizon, about to see a great harvest of souls turning and giving their lives to The Lord. 

Those of us who have experienced God’s mercy and goodness through His graces given in Medjugorje, should be anticipating the next chapter of the story, whether that be 2021 or the years that follow. Our God is victorious and His plan is being revealed!

The Chosen - Have You Seen It Yet?

The Chosen - Have you seen it yet?

The Chosen is a series of around 8 episodes following the three years of the Messiah’s coming and ministry, beginning from when John the Baptist is preparing the way for Jesus’ coming;

Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him. Mark 1:3

I’m up to episode 4 and this episode was awesome!

With great artistic licence, Dallas Jenkins, the American co-writer and director, has emotively captured the indispensable beauty of each human being that Jesus has called, loving both their strengths and more commonly and importantly, their weaknesses. 

What I love about The Chosen, is how it’s helped me see the humanity of Jesus and the disciples like never before. 

Each disciple has their own very unique character. 

The Chosen Disciples.png

Without spoiling this for you, let me share a snippet of episode 4 and the calling of Peter, preceded by the great catch of fish. 

Peter is in a real state. He’s been fishing all night because he’s got himself in a huge hole, indebted to the Roman centurions and the tax collector. Fishing has been poor over the past few months and he’s not been able to keep up with his debts. After a highly emotional argument with his wife, he heads out onto the Sea of Galilee for one last evening, one last chance to get his affairs in order before it’s too late. 

Morning comes and he’s caught nothing…

As he comes in to the shore ready to be arrested, the only person waiting for him is Jesus. 

Jesus looks at him with love. Jesus is not panicked like Peter is, for He is in control. We know what happened next.

The Chosen - Peter Fishing.png

This is what I saw in that moment, that beautifully directed scene. 


Holy Spirit flooded my heart and I wept as I saw how Jesus has been there in my life when I needed a ‘big catch’ and how He delights at being generous to His children. God is sovereign, He is in control and it pleases Him to shower us with His gifts - if only we would let Him!

Here’s the link to the series. My advice would be to simply watch with an open heart and try not to critique everything that doesn’t fit into the pictures you’ve already created in your mind. After all, we’re all created uniquely and have a personal relationship with the Father. 

Our Lady of Medjugorje's Message June 25, 2020

Dear children! I am listening to your cries and prayers, and am interceding for you before my Son Jesus, who is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Return, little children, to prayer and open your hearts in this time of grace and set out on the way of conversion. Your life is passing and, without God, does not have meaning. This is why I am with you to lead you towards holiness of life, so that each of you may discover the joy of living. I love you all, little children, and am blessing you with my motherly blessing. Thank you for having responded to my call.

Pilgrimage - Antidote to the World

A year last February we were in New York and filmed our ‘About’ video. I opened with the line “In the midst of the hustle and bustle and the demands of a society living without God, pilgrimage offers a rest place for the soul, an opportunity to hear God, a renewal of the heart in search of the truth.”

There’s so much truth in this. A Catholic pilgrimage is a medicine for the soul. 

Reflecting on the juxtaposition of the world and Catholic pilgrimage, was eye opening. Whilst there were so many differences, let’s look at 4 huge ways you will benefit by making a Catholic pilgrimage. 

  1. Busyness vs Solitude

Mark 1:35 It was very early in the morning and still dark. Jesus got up and left the house. He went to a place where he could be alone. There he prayed.

Photo by Erik Mclean from Pexels

Photo by Erik Mclean from Pexels

How many times have you asked somebody how they are and they’ve responded ‘great, but really busy!’ I find myself saying it as well. The truth is, we live in a world that demands so much of our time and if we don’t give it our time, we are rejected by the world. FOMO or ‘fear of missing out’ is a common modern day problem for people, particularly the young. There’s no more 9-5 job anymore in London, it’s more like 9-7, and then it’s always good to meet up with somebody for a drink after work. Throw in the commute and you’re home at 10 into bed and up early for that lovely morning commute again. That’s before we get onto the weekend. If you have a weekend that’s free in the next month, congratulations! Keep it free!

Catholic pilgrimage takes you out of this environment and away from the distractions of busyness. On a good Catholic pilgrimage there’s time to just do nothing, time to find a quiet place somewhere and time for the distractions on your mind to fade away. Why is this so important? Because it helps you discover your identity, hear the voice of God and begin to fix whats broken in your life.

2. Entertainment vs The Sacraments

John 6:53 So Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.”

Photo by Leah Kelley from Pexels

Photo by Leah Kelley from Pexels

What do we feed our minds on each day? We live in a world whereby we constantly need to be entertained. Whether with the latest U.S box set, movies, sports, recreation, not bad things necessarily, but things nonetheless. 

William A. Donohue says ‘We are so bored that sporting events can no longer stand by themselves. We have fireworks at ballparks, scoreboards that light up the sky, computer graphics that make us dizzy, loudspeakers that tell us when to shout, and concerts in the middle of the Super Bowl. The games just aren’t enough to satisfy anymore.’ 

We are becoming harder and harder to satisfy as each generation passes by. The Sacraments of the Catholic Church can be received with fewest obstacles whilst on Catholic pilgrimage. Enter into a new routine of waking up, praying, going daily to Holy Mass and eating the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ. Experience confessing your sins with the clearness of mind thanks to the solitude you’ve already been experiencing throughout your days, because of the new lack of busyness in your life. Be set free by the sacraments whilst on a Catholic pilgrimage.

3. Easy relationships vs Fellowship

1 John 1:7 “But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son, purifies us from all sin.”

Photo by Leah Kelley from Pexels

Photo by Leah Kelley from Pexels

The world offers fast dating, false friendships, sex on tap and countless apps used by so many purely for self gratification in a ‘use and get rid’ culture. 

Catholic Pilgrimages offer Fellowship. 

The picture of fellowship I have is when I look to the left and to the right and I’m surrounded by friends and pilgrim compatriots in one spirt with one focus and one desire - Jesus. Jesus before us on the altar giving us His flesh, His entire existence, pouring out His Spirit into every open heart. As we spend these moments together I’ve seen the Lord making heavenly kingdom relationships between people, friendships that have something different about them - how do you put your finger on it? Holy Spirit, all Holy Spirit. Making this journey we are united by Holy Spirit. Our normal differences or lack of compatibility if we were to be friends in the world fades into nothingness, because through Holy Spirit we are united in love for our King. He is enough for our lives and He is enough for our friendship. Our common goals and interests become aligned to the will of God. Fellowship flows into laughter, warmth and kindness amongst the ice creams and the pancakes!

4. Fake News vs The Word

John 10:10 “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”


The world offers fake news, confusion, distortion, disorder, promoting a culture of death, all initiatives of the enemy who seeks to seeks to confuse and accuse. We are living in a time where fear sells, where fear generates ‘clicks’, where fear spreads from one mouth to another. Positive life giving news is hard to come by in the mainstream media, any good news is often found entangled amongst the thorns and any life that comes from it is quickly choked out.

With God, we have the true word. The word that is spirit and truth and brings life and life to the full. Through daily Mass we listen to the word of God in its entirety over the liturgical three year cycle. The word opens our minds and we live in the truth that Christ brings, for the word is God. On Catholic pilgrimage we feed on the word each day and the spiritual food entering our bodies is no longer polluting and killing us, but feeding and nourishing us. When on a Catholic pilgrimage, it’s amazing how little time we have for our phones and the noise that comes through them. In the quiet and through the word, God will speak to you.